Batholiths Onland 2009 Photo Recap - Page 11

Packing It All Up to Go Home

Our last day in Hagensborg starts with another all hands meeting.
Time to gather up everything. It all must be returned to Socorro, NM.
Every attempt was made to retrieve all the human artifacts used for the seismic stations. Here are the survey stakes.
These are just the batteries from the Bella Coola deployments. There are thousands more at Puntzi Lake.
Packing the van for the 5-hour trip up the Hill to Puntzi Lake, and the shipping trailer.
Time for a group photo. Here's the mad dash after all the photographers set their 10-second timers.
The Bella Coola team (not all were present for this photograph).
Over at Puntzi Lake, team members there also get a group shot.
After a long day's ride from Bella Coola, the grads cool off in Puntzi Lake.
George Spence describes expense reporting to the grad students and volunteers.


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