Batholiths Onland 2009 Photo Recap - Page 11
Packing It All Up to Go Home
Our last day in Hagensborg starts with another all hands meeting. | |
Time to gather up everything. It all must be returned to Socorro, NM. | |
Every attempt was made to retrieve all the human artifacts used for the seismic stations. Here are the survey stakes. | |
These are just the batteries from the Bella Coola deployments. There are thousands more at Puntzi Lake. | |
Packing the van for the 5-hour trip up the Hill to Puntzi Lake, and the shipping trailer. | |
Time for a group photo. Here's the mad dash after all the photographers set their 10-second timers. | |
The Bella Coola team (not all were present for this photograph). | |
Over at Puntzi Lake, team members there also get a group shot. | |
After a long day's ride from Bella Coola, the grads cool off in Puntzi Lake. | |
George Spence describes expense reporting to the grad students and volunteers. |
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