Poles and Zeroes
All poles and zeroes in radians/sec
- STS2 Generation 1: 9 poles 5 zeros
- STS2 Generation 2: 14 poles 9 zeros
- STS2 Generation 3: 11 poles 6 zeros
- STS2 Generic : 5 poles 2 zeros
- CMG 3T: 120sec corner, 5 poles 2 zeros
- CMG3 ESP 30sec corner: 5 poles 2 zeros
- CMG 40T 30sec corner: 5 poles 2 zeros
- CMG 40-1: 6 poles 2 zeros
- Trillium 240 Gen 1 (serial numbers 0-399): 11 poles 6 zeros
- Trillium 240 Gen 2 (serial numbers 400+): 11 poles 6 zeros
- Trillium 120PA: 7 poles 5 zeros
- Trillium Horizon: 11 poles 6 zeros
- Trillium 40: 7 poles 5 zeros
- Compact Trillium 7 poles 3 zeros
- L-22-3D: 2 poles 2 zeros
- L-28-3D: 2 poles 2 zeros
- Y-28-3D: 2 poles 2 zeros
- GS11: 2 poles 2 zeros
- L40: 2 poles 2 zeros
- L4C: 2 poles 2 zeros
- S13: 2 poles 2 zeros
- Fairfield Zland Nodal: 2 poles 2 zeros
- SmartSolo Node: 2 poles 2 zeros
STS2 |
Generation 1 |
9 | Poles (NRL) |
-3.700000E-02 | -3.700000E-02 |
-3.700000E-02 | 3.700000E-02 |
-1.599000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-4.171000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.009000E+02 | 4.019000E+02 |
-1.009000E+02 | -4.019000E+02 |
-7.454000E+03 | -7.142000E+03 |
-7.454000E+03 | 7.142000E+03 |
-1.872390E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
5 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.515000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.186000E+02 | 4.012000E+02 |
-3.186000E+02 | -4.012000E+02 |
Get STS2 Generation from Serial Number
Document Describing STS2 Generations
STS2 |
Generation 2 |
14 | Poles (NRL) |
-3.700000E-02 | -3.700000E-02 |
-3.700000E-02 | 3.700000E-02 |
-1.095000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-9.844000E+01 | -4.428000E+02 |
-9.844000E+01 | 4.428000E+02 |
-5.568000E+02 | -6.005000E+01 |
-5.568000E+02 | 6.005000E+01 |
-1.391000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-4.936000E+03 | -4.713000E+03 |
-4.936000E+03 | 4.713000E+03 |
-6.227000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-6.909000E+03 | -9.208000E+03 |
-6.909000E+03 | 9.208000E+03 |
-2.550970E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
9 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.075000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-2.946000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-5.551000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-6.839000E+02 | -1.755000E+02 |
-6.839000E+02 | 1.755000E+02 |
-5.907000E+03 | -3.411000E+03 |
-5.907000E+03 | 3.411000E+03 |
Get STS2 Generation from Serial Number
Document Describing STS2 Generations
STS2 |
Generation 3 |
11 | Poles (NRL) |
-3.700000E-02 | -3.700000E-02 |
-3.700000E-02 | 3.700000E-02 |
-1.564000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-9.734000E+01 | -4.007000E+02 |
-9.734000E+01 | 4.007000E+02 |
-3.748000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-5.203000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.053000E+04 | -1.005000E+04 |
-1.053000E+04 | 1.005000E+04 |
-1.330000E+04 | 0.000000E+00 |
-2.550970E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
6 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.515000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.766000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-4.631000E+02 | -4.305000E+02 |
-4.631000E+02 | 4.305000E+02 |
Get STS2 Generation from Serial Number
Document Describing STS2 Generations
Get STS2 Generation from Serial Number
Document Describing STS2 Generations
3T |
5 | Poles (NRL) |
-3.700800E-02 | 3.700800E-02 |
-3.700800E-02 | -3.700800E-02 |
-5.026500E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.005000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.131000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
CMG3 |
5 | Poles (NRL) |
-1.486000E-01 | 1.486000E-01 |
-1.486000E-01 | -1.486000E-01 |
-5.026500E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.005000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.131000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
40T |
5 | Poles (NRL) |
-1.486000E-01 | 1.486000E-01 |
-1.486000E-01 | -1.486000E-01 |
-5.026500E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.005000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.131000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
40-1 |
6 | Poles (NRL) |
-4.442200E+00 | 4.442200E+00 |
-4.442200E+00 | -4.442200E+00 |
-3.919600E+02 | 8.506900E+02 |
-3.919600E+02 | -8.506900E+02 |
-4.712400E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-2.199100E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
Trillium |
240 S/N 0-399 |
11 | Poles (NRL) |
-1.813400E-02 | 1.803400E-02 |
-1.813400E-02 | -1.803400E-02 |
-8.440000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.802000E+02 | 2.244000E+02 |
-1.802000E+02 | -2.244000E+02 |
-7.250000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.060000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-4.300000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-5.800000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-4.200000E+03 | 4.600000E+03 |
-4.200000E+03 | -4.600000E+03 |
6 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
-7.250000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.633000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-2.510000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.270000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
Trillium |
240 S/N 400+ |
11 | Poles (NRL) |
-1.769900E-02 | 1.760400E-02 |
-1.769900E-02 | -1.760400E-02 |
-8.530000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.554000E+02 | 2.108000E+02 |
-1.554000E+02 | -2.108000E+02 |
-7.130000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.140000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-4.300000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-5.800000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-4.300000E+03 | 4.400000E+03 |
-4.300000E+03 | -4.400000E+03 |
6 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
-7.250000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.593000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-2.510000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.270000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
Trillium |
120pa |
7 | Poles (NRL) |
-3.852000E-02 | 3.658000E-02 |
-3.852000E-02 | -3.658000E-02 |
-1.780000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.350000E+02 | 1.600000E+02 |
-1.350000E+02 | -1.600000E+02 |
-6.710000E+02 | 1.154000E+03 |
-6.710000E+02 | -1.154000E+03 |
5 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
-9.000000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.607000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.108000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
Trillium Horizon |
120Q |
11 | Poles (NRL) |
-3.661400E-02 | 3.705900E-02 |
-3.661400E-02 | -3.705900E-02 |
-3.255000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.420000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.640000E+02 | 4.040000E+02 |
-3.640000E+02 | -4.040000E+02 |
-1.260000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
-4.900000E+03 | 5.200000E+03 |
-4.900000E+03 | -5.200000E+03 |
-7.100000E+03 | 1.700000E+03 |
-7.100000E+03 | -1.700000E+03 |
6 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.163000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-1.600000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.500000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.177000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
Trillium |
40 |
7 | Poles (NRL) |
-1.103000E-01 | 1.110000E-01 |
-1.103000E-01 | -1.110000E-01 |
-8.630000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-2.410000E+02 | 1.780000E+02 |
-2.410000E+02 | -1.780000E+02 |
-5.350000E+02 | 7.190000E+02 |
-5.350000E+02 | -7.190000E+02 |
5 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
-6.880000E+01 | 0.000000E+00 |
-3.230000E+02 | 0.000000E+00 |
-2.530000E+03 | 0.000000E+00 |
L-22 |
3D |
2 | Poles (NRL) |
-8.884000E+00 | 8.887000E+00 |
-8.884000E+00 | -8.887000E+00 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
L-28 |
3D |
2 | Poles (NRL) |
-1.979200E+01 | 2.019190E+01 |
-1.979200E+01 | -2.019190E+01 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
Y-28 |
3D |
2 | Poles |
-1.979200E+01 | 2.019190E+01 |
-1.979200E+01 | -2.019190E+01 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
GS |
11 |
2 | Poles (NRL) |
-1.999000E+01 | 1.999600E+01 |
-1.999000E+01 | -1.999600E+01 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
L |
40 |
2 | Poles |
-1.77E+02 | 1.77E+02 |
-1.77E+02 | -1.77E+02 |
2 | Zeros |
0.00E+00 | 0.00E+00 |
0.00E+00 | 0.00E+00 |
L |
4C |
2 | Poles (NRL) |
-4.398000E+00 | 4.487000E+00 |
-4.398000E+00 | -4.487000E+00 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
S |
13 |
2 | Poles |
-4.443000E+00 | 4.443000E+00 |
-4.443000E+00 | -4.443000E+00 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
Fairfield Zland |
Nodal |
2 | Poles (NRL) |
-2.19911E+01 | 2.24355E+01 |
-2.19911E+01 | -2.24355E+01 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
SmartSolo |
IGU-16HR 3C |
2 | Poles (NRL) |
-2.221110e+01 | -2.221780e+01 |
-2.221110e+01 | 2.221780e+01 |
2 | Zeros |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 | 0.000000E+00 |
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