Loading Programs From a Clie To RT130's
3-Channel Dataloggers
RefTek RT 130 Datalogger
Loading Programs From a Clie To RT130's

This page is meant as a quick reference guide for using the Clié program "PFC-130" to load configuration parameters to a RT130. When deploying RT130's in the field, you will be provided an installation worksheet which covers the same steps but with more detail specific to your experiment. |
Basic Guide for Loading Parameters to a RT130 from a Clié
1. Open PFC-130, on the Clié
2. Select Work with Configuration
3. Load (Load Configuration Pre-Written or Loaded Config File)
4. Select OK
5. Verify Configuration Name top of screen
6. Send to DAS
7. Select OK
8. Select Done
9. Re-Enter Work with Configuration
10. Select from DAS (Load from DAS)
11. Edit
12. Confirm Experiment Name
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