Updating Firmware For Q330's

Upgrading Q330 firmware is done with the program Willard.
- Download the required firmware from http://q330.com/
- Place the firmware into a folder with the name of the firmware (in this example the folder name would be "1.80").
- Note: This is important because all Q330 firmware files are named identically. To keep them separated, they must be stored in separate folders.
Power up the Q330 and connect it to computer via console cable.
Start Willard and select console registration.
Select "No" if asked to create a dataless station.
Select "Firmware Management" from the Configuration menu.
Select the directory with the firmware files. (In this example it is 1.80)
Select Download.
Note: If the firmware in the Q330 is newer or the same as the firmware you are trying to load, nothing will appear in the Download List.
Reboot the Q330 by going to Commands then "System and GPS Control".
Next check the boxes "Reboot Q330" and "Save to EEPROM".
Hit Apply.
After the Q330 has rebooted, verify the firmware update was successful.
Click the Information menu then "Hardware & Software".
The firmware version is titled "System Software Version". In this example the upgrate to firmware 1.80 was a success.
To downgrade firmware: contact a EPIC staff member.
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