Geode Datalogger


System consists of one 24-channel Geodes, with two built-in high-speed connections to interface with other Geodes and a PC-compatible controller or the StrataVisor NZ seismograph.

Suitable for reflection, refraction, downhole, crosshole, surface wave, and tomography surveys, and seismic monitoring.

High-speed over-sampling combined with digital signal processing provide a 24-bit result using Crystal Semiconductor sigma-delta A/D converters. Extra wide bandwidth of 1.75 Hz to 20 kHz permits high-resolution sampling intervals from 20 us to 16 ms. Data acquired and summed in 32-bit stacker then transferred back to controller for storage on hard drive or other factory-approved media. Builtin pre-trigger and 16,000 total sample memory for each channel. Correlation for swept sources performed by real-time high-speed hardware correlator (requires optional software). Includes software-selectable low-cut, high-cut, and notch realtime digital acquisition and display filters. Also performs in-field quality control.

Each Geode is packaged in a ruggedized, shock- absorbing, waterproof case with handle; 9-lb (4.1-kg) unit weight. Each module powered by external 12V battery (sold separately). System supplied with one clip-type power cable per Geode, one hammer switch, one 25-m digital interface cable to connect near Geode to PC controller, and one instruction manual. P/N GEODE-48

Manual (PDF) Geode Field Quick Start Guide