Visiting EPIC
Visitors to the EPIC should have pre-arranged appointments. Visitors should enter through the main entrance of the building and register their visit in our “Visitor’s Log”. Unarranged or unannounced visits cannot be accommodated. Please contact respective staff or send an email to if you wish to arrange a visit.
The EPIC is located in Socorro, New Mexico, on the New Mexico Tech campus.
EarthScope Committee Members: find travel tips, expense report forms, and more here.
Information and links regarding public transit information between Albuquerque, Belen and Socorro, can be found on the City of Socorro's website.
The NM Tech Earth & Environmental Science Department web page, which discusses the department, its people and their research, and its activities, can be found here.
If exiting I-25 at Escondida (exit 152), the East Road gate is open from 6am to 7pm, weekdays only. When this gate is closed, take exit 150 into Socorro. Between 6 AM and 10PM all week, you may get to EPIC via the North entrance (Bullock / Olive Lane). If visiting after hours, take the South entrance (Neel Ave., see "Night Map to Campus" inset).
(Click on map to embiggen.)
Have a GPS? Find the EarthScope/EPIC here:
Longitude | Latitude |
-106.9191 | 34.0735 |
106 degrees, 55.1 minutes West | 34 degrees, 4.4 minutes North |
Or, find EPIC on Google Maps.
More information on the Socorro area:
- Home
- General Information
- Instrumentation
- Dataloggers
- Sensors
- All-In-One Systems
- Power Systems
- Field Procedures
- Controlled Sources
- Seismic Source Facility
- Magnetotelluric Systems at EPIC
- Ground Penetrating Radar
- Power and Memory Calculations Form
- Data Archiving
- Apply for a PI Account
- Experiment Scheduling
- Polar
- Hardware & Software Notes
- Software