Stratavisor Datalogger
Suitable for seismic reflection, refraction, downhole, crosshole, tomography, surface wave, or marine surveys, and seismic monitoring. System is housed in portable, ruggedized case with built-in, daylight-visible 800x600 color LCD and thermal graphics printer.
Operates under Windows XP multi-tasking OS and runs on Pentium-class processor.
High-speed over-sampling combined with digital signal processing provide a 24-bit result using Crystal Semiconductor sigma-delta A/D converters.
Extra wide bandwidth of 1.75 Hz to 20 kHz permits high-resolution sample intervals from 20 us to 16 ms. Data stored on internal 20 Gb hard drive or other factory-approved medium. Built-in pre-trigger and 16,000 total sample memory for each channel. Channels 61 to 64 are used for auxiliary data. Correlation for swept sources performed by real-time high-speed hardware correlator. Also performs in-field QC tests.
MGOS software controls data acquisition, display, transfer, and storage in SEG-2, SEG-Y, or SEG-D formats. Features software-selectable low-cut, high-cut, and notch real-time digital display and acquisition filters; AGC and other plotting styles; roll-along for CDP surveys; spectral analysis; and real-time waterfall noise monitor. Third-party refraction and reflection data processing.
This Manual is a 234 page document. A useful summary (page 13 of the Manual) is reproduced below.
60-Channel Exploration Seismograph
The StrataView was designed as a reflection seismograph, and is capable of both shallow and deep reflection, cross-well tomographic, and VSP surveys. 24-bit StrataView Seismic Recorder.
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