Archived News

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RefTek RT130 Timing Errors Affecting EPIC and FA Experiments

August 20, 2008 Updated: December 15, 2008. Program refj31fix released

Stations Affected: RT130 connected to a 130-GPS/01 with SiRF ublox Trimble module installed (aka SiRF-type)

Description of Problem: Starting on July 31st 2008 (julian day 213 2008) the SiRF-type started to shift in time by a second.  Since the 31st July 2008 the mysterious time shifts (back and forth) continue. At present SiRF has no explanation for these time shifts.

Identifying SiRF GPS:

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New Mexico Tech to Expand EPIC

Daniel H. López, president of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech) in Socorro, authorized the expansion of the on-campus building that houses the EarthScope EPIC and the EarthScope Array Operations Facility. The 1300 square foot addition, scheduled for completion in Spring 2009, will primarily provide laboratory and office space for EPIC’s recently expanded Polar Program activities supported primarily by the National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs.

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