request for quote

Your Question: 
Fron an University / seismology specialist we had received the following request of quote: "Seismic data acquisition system including: protective bag, acquisition card, GPS, internal wiring, 3 geophones GS GS11D in triaxial configuration GS-3C or similar and external wiring for their peripherals". Please confirm me if PASCAL could quote us these devices. SANDOX import / represente equipments for geosciences and engineering here in COLOMBIA. Thanks in advance for your kind support. ALVARO SANDOVAL, JR. SALES MGR SANDOX CIENTIFICA LTDA. BOGOTA, D.C.C-OLOMBIA. T. 571533 4949 F. 571 6102385
Asker Email:

We're sorry, but EPIC is not a vendor of seismic equipment.  We maintain a pool of seismic equipment for use by members of the EarthScope Consortium.  You can learn more about EarthScope/EPIC lending policies here.