
Important Hardware/Software Notes for Researchers Using EPIC Equipment

This page includes important Hardware/Software Notes for Researchers Using EPIC Equipment. January 17, 2019: GPS Rollover

Late 2018 EPIC learned of a GPS week rollover event that can affect data logger performance and timing. EPIC has acquired a GNSS signal generator that can emulate GPS satellite signals. This satellite emulator allows us to test EPIC equipment that relies on GPS timing and to determine how equipment will handle the GPS rollover event. To date, we have determined that some models of GPS engines are affected by the rollover. How the rollover errors manifest is dependent on the data logger’s model and firmware version of the GPS engine.

RT130 ALERT - Issue when using two 4GB CF cards

Jan. 5, 2015

EPIC recently received reports of RT130’s failing when using two RefTek 4G CF cards at moderately low temperatures during an Antarctic experiment. We have duplicated the failure in our lab and in our testing the failure was associated with a specific version of RefTek well board (RT526D). Although we have not had failures in our testing with earlier or later versions of the board, our sample set is small and we cannot rule out problems with these boards when using two 4G CF cards. We have communicated with RefTek about the issue and at this time they are in agreement with these findings.

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