Batholiths Onland 2009 Photo Recap - Page 7
Deploying the Rest of the Stations
At the Bella Coola hangar, hiker deployer teams arrive to collect instruments, digitizers and gear. | |
Enroute to the hikers' dropoff point, the team finds four bears along the way, and a fox too. | |
Randy Keller (OU) supervises the requisite DEET spray-down before the hikers head into the woods. | |
Sending off the hikers: Gaelle, Erin, Shelbie, Grey, Alex, Humberto, Andrew (local guide) and Randy Keller (one of two drivers; Dave Thomas, the photographer, is the other driver). | |
When geologists say they're "working in the Field," sometimes this is what that means. | |
Meanwhile, the boat crews are busy deploying stations along the fiords. | |
Audrey and Todd get a station deployed on a cliffside. Some of the sensors had to be plastered to the rock, as there was no way to bury them in the usual manner. |
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