Batholiths Onland 2009 Photo Recap - Page 7

 Deploying the Rest of the Stations

At the Bella Coola hangar, hiker deployer teams arrive to collect instruments, digitizers and gear.
Enroute to the hikers' dropoff point, the team finds four bears along the way, and a fox too.
Randy Keller (OU) supervises the requisite DEET spray-down before the hikers head into the woods.
Sending off the hikers: Gaelle, Erin, Shelbie, Grey, Alex, Humberto, Andrew (local guide) and Randy Keller (one of two drivers; Dave Thomas, the photographer, is the other driver).
When geologists say they're "working in the Field," sometimes this is what that means.
Meanwhile, the boat crews are busy deploying stations along the fiords.
Audrey and Todd get a station deployed on a cliffside. Some of the sensors had to be plastered to the rock, as there was no way to bury them in the usual manner.


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