EPIC Announces Software release: Nexus, a simple tool for creating SEED meta-data.

EPIC is pleased to announce the release of Nexus, a simple tool for creating SEED meta-data.

Nexus is a software tool with a graphical interface that allows users to quickly and easily create and modify SEED meta-data. It outputs StationXML, the recently adopted replacement format for Dataless SEED. Nexus greatly simplifies preparing data for archival at the DMC. 


  • MiniSEED scan: Start by scanning your MiniSEED. You'll then have a skeleton of your network populated with network, station, channel, and location codes, with the epochs of your data. You then only have to pick the hardware for each station, and fill in the missing fields such as latitude, longitude and elevation.
  • Response fetching, mapping, and calculation: Choose the sensor and digitizer installed at a station. Nexus will fetch and calculate the appropriate responses for all of the station's channels, from the EarthScope DMC Nominal Response Library. A set of responses for State of Health channels of EPIC's equipment is included.
  • Easy updates on service run: After a service run, MiniSEED scan again, epochs will be extended to reflect the new data. If hardware had changed, split the station at the time of the swap, and change the appropriate configuration.

Updated documentation for archiving data with Nexus can be found here.

Nexus can be downloaded here.

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