Requirements for EPIC Passive Experiments (SEED)


Data and format for archiving

In order to accept your passive-source data for archiving please comply with the procedures and standards below. EPIC staff are available to assist you with meeting the requirements of archiving your SEED data as stated in the EPIC Data Delivery Policy

Regarding the archiving of SEED data, the policy may be summarized in three points:

  1. Data should be archived as soon as practical after data retrieval during service runs.
  2. The DMC will only allow access to the waveforms to the PI and others designated by the PI. Access will be by password that will be provided by the DMC to the PI. The PI can share the password with anyone he/she wishes. The PI will be notified when anyone registers for access to a proprietary dataset.
  3. For experiments with five or more stations, at least one station's data must be designated as unrestricted with respect to EarthScope DMC data requests.  For more information regarding requesting restricted data sets please visit the DMC restricted data page.

To archive data in SEED you will need to request a temporary network code which will identify your experiment for the duration of your experiment. The request of the network code can be done through the PI web home at EPIC, once you have requested an account and logged in, you can access all current information about your experiment in the EPIC database, and you will be able to request a network code through the mobilization form (accessible via either the PI Home Page, or the Experiment's page).


Data Archiving  Responsibilities

Principal Investigator EPIC Shared
Acquire, reduce and QC metadata.
• Submit data and metadata to EPIC for quality control
before archiving with EarthScope/DMC
• Maintain close communication on evolution of experiment and
data related issues until data fully archived.
Provide training when requested for data
• Provide Documentation with guidelines and requirements for
data archiving.
• Support PI/archiver while processing data for archiving
• Instruct PI/archiver on software needs for data processing
• Perform verification on data for proper archiving
• Archive and confirm data with DMC to assure completeness
Construct, verify, and archive SEED with the DMC.

What needs to be archived:

Please e-mail the data group for details when ready to submit your data: data_group [at] passcal [dot] nmt [dot] edu

Meta Data

  • The meta-data or information describing the instrumentation and site that recorded data must be appropriately defined within either a dataless SEED volume or a properly formatted stationXML file.
  • EPIC provides software for generating stationXML formatted metadata. Please see the Software page for information about the EPIC stationXML-creation software, Nexus.


All data for passive source usually gets archived in SEED format following defined procedures.

  • The SEED format data files are to be organized by station-channel-days for all waveform, state of health, mass position, administrative and log channels.  All data must be in big endian format.  For more details please e-mail data_group [at] passcal [dot] nmt [dot] edu and consult our documentation for the specifics of how to achieve this format for all of your data.
  • A complete dataless or stationXML file is required that describes all data previously submitted as well as previously archived for this experiment. 
  • Both the data and the dataless/stationXML will be submitted to EPIC via our data2passcal tool.  Please contact the data group before submitting any data.

After you have complied with these procedures and standards you may submit your data to EPIC for review (compliance with SEED format and conventions) and archiving at the EarthScope DMC.