
SmartSolo archives flipped polarity (IGU-16HR 3C 5Hz)

Dear EarthScope Community and EPIC PIs:

In September of 2023 we discovered that SmartSolo node (IGU-16HR 3C, 5Hz) data archived from EPIC experiments has a non-standard polarity on the Z-channel relative to the down-positive industry geophone convention. Details of this discovery and the steps that will be taken to correct this discrepancy, which will affect the existing and future archives, are outlined below.


The expected polarity for data archived from EPIC experiments are as follow:

Broadband seismometer – Up (Z-dip = -90), North and East motion produce a positive polarity. Geophone – Down (Z-dip = +90), North and East motion produce a positive polarity

Data archived, both PH5 and SEED, prior to October 05, 2023 from EPIC experiments using the SmartSolo nodes have the following polarity and metadata mismatch: 

December 31 2016 Leap Second

Leap Second's effect on EPIC RT-130 and Q330



Data time starting at 2017:001:00:00:00 is +1 second from truth for 1-2 minutes (seen in controlled tests) until a clock correction, followed by a gap of 2-40 seconds per channel depending on sample rate.


Data time starting at 2017:001:00:00:00 is +1 second from truth for 15min - 9:42hrs (seen in controlled tests) until a clock correction. Some data (~6secs in tests) around the time correction is mistimed, sometimes 11 years in the future, or missing.

Important Update to rt2ms

Important update to rt2ms program for processing RT130 data

This is to inform you about an important software update needed for processing of Reftek RT130 data in EPIC experiments. We recently discovered an issue with running rt2ms on the second card installed in the RT130.  Sometimes insufficient header values are being written by the RT130 and then rt2ms passes over these packets potentially resulting in a gap on one or more channels (typically less than 1 hour on higher sample rate data, larger gaps on 1sps data).  The EPIC Software Group has patched rt2ms to handle the missing packet headers and write all of the data that are on the card.  We highly recommend that you download and install the updated rt2ms program if you are processing any RT130 data.

EPIC pre-AGU Workshop

EPIC Workshop: Data Archiving and More!

Sunday, December 13, 2015
San Francisco - Zelos Hotel

Presentations are now online!  All are PDFs and the PH5 posters are a .gif and a .pdf

Session 1 - SEED Data Archiving

Session 2 - Instrument Responses (given by Mary Templeton of the EarthScope DMC)

Session 3 - PH5 tools and future plans

PH5 poster from AGU 2013

EarthScope/EPIC Intern Caps Busy Summer with Alaska Deployment at Poker Flat

It's been a busy summer for EarthScope/EPIC intern Kasey Aderhold, a PhD Candidate at the Department of Earth & Environment, Boston University. Kasey has been heavily involved in an ongoing comparison of seismic vaults to direct burial installations at two sites: the Dotson Ranch near Socorro, NM, and Poker Flat in Alaska. 


AGU 2012 EPIC Data Archiving Workshop

December 2, 2012
San Francisco-Palomar Hotel

An EarthScope EPIC data-archiving workshop will be offered prior to the 2012 Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco. This workshop will serve as an opportunity to help PIs and archivers familiarize themselves with the data group, the support provided by the data group, and the software utilized in the archival process.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Data Requests from PH5 Data Sets

Here are frequently asked questions regarding data requests from PH5 data sets archived at the EarthScope DMC.  The answers are based upon the perspective the user is at the Data Request Form, which is available for each PH5 data set via its "Request" link found on the PH5 data set web page of the EarthScope DMC website.

1. How do I select the length of the record?

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EPIC SEG-Y Trace Header

 EPIC SEG-Y utilizes big endian byte order and sets the various trace headers as outlined below.


EPIC SEG-Y Trace Header


Trillium Releases Updated Response Files for Trillium 120 and 240

Nanometrics Inc., manufacturer of the Trillium series of broadband sensors, has recently updated the response for Trillium models 120 and 240.

EPIC provides these new response files for Antelope in our FTP download area.

A new posting, "Updated Instrument Response for Trillium_120, Trillium_240 (2 Generations) and Taurus", provides information and links to Antelope response files; it is available here.

If you have questions about using these new response files, please contact pmiller [at] passcal [dot] nmt [dot] edu (Pnina Miller) of the Sensor Group.

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