Best Practices

EPIC pre-AGU Workshop

EPIC Workshop: Data Archiving and More!

Sunday, December 13, 2015
San Francisco - Zelos Hotel

Presentations are now online!  All are PDFs and the PH5 posters are a .gif and a .pdf

Session 1 - SEED Data Archiving

Session 2 - Instrument Responses (given by Mary Templeton of the EarthScope DMC)

Session 3 - PH5 tools and future plans

PH5 poster from AGU 2013

Huddle testing feedback-sensors and dataloggers


“Huddle”-testing sensors before field deployment is a key part of any seismic experiment.  Huddle-testing involves testing almost all components of the field station, for many stations, in parallel.  The number of stations that can be tested at one time is limited only by availability of personnel and lab space.

Huddle-testing potentially reduces crew time spent in the field, cost of the experiment, and the need to revisit sites.  Huddle-testing improves crew consistency and most importantly, the likelihood of successful station deployments and survival.

Shipping Best Practices

Taking care of "First things First" Once you have successfully completed your online "Instrument Use Agreement", reviewed the "Data Delivery Policy" and signed your "PI Acknowledgment", your are ready to move on to the next step. Planning is Crucial Helpful Tips "Straight from the horse's mouth" 

"Being able to import your equipment quickly is key to a successful deployment.... so don't wait until the last minute."   


"Each country is different, so ask a lot of questions and don't assume anything."

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Computer Best Practices

Hard drives and disk space Drives and partitions

EarthScope EPIC prepared laptops all come with a separate partition for user and experiment data that can be accessed at /data

EPIC linux laptops (PCs) come with two hard drives.  On each drive is a complete, tested installation of Fedora linux and a current version of PASSOFT. Each drive is bootable and provides a redundant system. On each drive space is allocated for data and is RAIDed together as the /data directory accessible from either installation.

If you are having a problem and want to try using the backup installation, start tapping the Escape key after the BIOS has finished loading in order to see the GRUB menu.  Then select one of the installations of Fedora to boot into it.  If you saved your data in /data, you will still have access when booted from the backup installation.

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