
BRTT's Antelope Software

EPIC pre-AGU Workshop

EPIC Workshop: Data Archiving and More!

Sunday, December 13, 2015
San Francisco - Zelos Hotel

Presentations are now online!  All are PDFs and the PH5 posters are a .gif and a .pdf

Session 1 - SEED Data Archiving

Session 2 - Instrument Responses (given by Mary Templeton of the EarthScope DMC)

Session 3 - PH5 tools and future plans

PH5 poster from AGU 2013

Trillium Releases Updated Response Files for Trillium 120 and 240

Nanometrics Inc., manufacturer of the Trillium series of broadband sensors, has recently updated the response for Trillium models 120 and 240.

EPIC provides these new response files for Antelope in our FTP download area.

A new posting, "Updated Instrument Response for Trillium_120, Trillium_240 (2 Generations) and Taurus", provides information and links to Antelope response files; it is available here.

If you have questions about using these new response files, please contact pmiller [at] passcal [dot] nmt [dot] edu (Pnina Miller) of the Sensor Group.

Related categories:

PIC Workshop for Antelope and its Interfaces with Matlab and Python



Antelope Toolbox for Matlab (8MB) The Python Interface to Antelope (8MB) Automatic Event Location with Antelope (6MB) Generalized Event-driven Processing with Antelope (1MB) Seismic Array Processing with Antelope (1MB)

The motivation for this workshop was born in March of 2009 foreseeing the need for a broader understanding of antelope tools and its interfaces by EPIC staff and a group of researchers from New Mexico Tech (NMT).

Related categories:

Software Resources


EPIC provides open-source software for downloading seismic data from data recorders, for quality assessment, and for conversion to other data formats for analysis and archiving at the EarthScope Data Management Center.

PASSOFT is supported only for Mac and Linux operating systems, and not for Windows. Some Windows users have been able to use PASSOFT by first installing a Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Note - Python: We no longer support Python version lower than 3.9.

Note - MacOS: We no longer support MacOS version lower than 12 (Monterey).

Related categories:

Computer Best Practices

Hard drives and disk space Drives and partitions

EarthScope EPIC prepared laptops all come with a separate partition for user and experiment data that can be accessed at /data

EPIC linux laptops (PCs) come with two hard drives.  On each drive is a complete, tested installation of Fedora linux and a current version of PASSOFT. Each drive is bootable and provides a redundant system. On each drive space is allocated for data and is RAIDed together as the /data directory accessible from either installation.

If you are having a problem and want to try using the backup installation, start tapping the Escape key after the BIOS has finished loading in order to see the GRUB menu.  Then select one of the installations of Fedora to boot into it.  If you saved your data in /data, you will still have access when booted from the backup installation.

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