Important Update to rt2ms

Important update to rt2ms program for processing RT130 data

This is to inform you about an important software update needed for processing of Reftek RT130 data in EPIC experiments. We recently discovered an issue with running rt2ms on the second card installed in the RT130.  Sometimes insufficient header values are being written by the RT130 and then rt2ms passes over these packets potentially resulting in a gap on one or more channels (typically less than 1 hour on higher sample rate data, larger gaps on 1sps data).  The EPIC Software Group has patched rt2ms to handle the missing packet headers and write all of the data that are on the card.  We highly recommend that you download and install the updated rt2ms program if you are processing any RT130 data.

If you run 'rt2ms' without any other flags or input, it will show you which version you currently have installed.  There are two new versions available, depending on what build you used for your PASSOFT installation:

Yosemite and El Capitan (using the 10.10 passcal-osx-10.10-2015.139.pkg build): the current and latest version is 'rt2ms 2016.083 Developmental'
Pre-Yosemite (using PASSOFT_LION.dmg or any older builds): the current and latest version is 'rt2ms 2016.098 Developmental'
Linux: the current and latest version is 'rt2ms 2016.098 Developmental' 


EPIC OwnCloud link to patched rt2ms

Choose the version (2016.083 or 2016.098) based on your computer OS and PASSOFT distribution.  Most field laptops newer than May 1, 2016 already have the latest version of rt2ms.  Download the version appropriate to your system and follow the instructions in the readme file.  Please do not hesitate to contact us (data_group [at] passcal [dot] nmt [dot] edu) if you have any questions or run into any problems!