How do I find/obtain submitted instrument request?

Your Question: 
How do I find/obtain an already- submitted instrument request?
Experiment Schedule

A full description of how PI's can track their experiments on the EPIC website, including making new requests, or asking for modifications to existing requests, can be found here:

Scheduling Database User's Manual for PIs.

Briefly, the steps are:

  • PI Logs in to EPIC account (if you forgot your password/username, email Dave Thomas).
  • PI visits their PI Home Page, selects the desired experiment from the dropdown lists, and Reviews that experiment.
  • Alternatively, PI can Search for Experiments; just enter the project Number, or part of the Name, or the PI's last name, and search for the given Project.
  • The PI can ask to update an existing Experiment Request; that will bring up a new Instrument Request form, populated with the older project's information.  This should be done only if requesting minor changes to a scheduled project. For a new project, the PI should submit a new Instrument Request.

Further questions? email Dave Thomas.