Your Question:
Hi all! I'm building a parameter file for data archiving, and I'm looking at an example that I was given when I was there for training. My question concerns the lines 4-7 of the parameter file, which in this example read:
sensor sts2_gl 0 0001
axis Z 0 0 - 1 0
axis N 0 90 - 2 1
axis E 90 90 - 3 1
Presumably, these lines refer to a sts2 sensor. However I'm using the Guralp 3Ts. My questions:
1) what is the sensor code for the T3?
2) what are the axis definitions for the T3?
-Christian Poppeliers
Howdy Christian, the CMG3T is listed as a "cmg3t" in the batch file (I think you mean batch file as opposed to pf) and has the same axis statements as the sts2.