Submitted by azevedo on Wed, 2012-09-26 12:34
Your Question:
I would like to use rt2ms to go from reftek to ascii, but am having trouble running it in Terminal on MAC.
After using the following commands- cd /opt/passcal/bin
followed by- ./rt2ms
I am getting the error- PASSCAL environment not set! Can not continue
I am new to MAC so any help appreciated? Also, once I get this error solved, how exactly does rt2ms work to go from reftek to ascii and what command is used on Terminal?
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Data Archiving
Do this after installing the EPIC software package:
You must set an environment variable EPIC and path
by editing either ~/.cshrc or ~/.bashrc. To check if you need to
edit .cshrc or .bashrc, run the following command:
ps -p $$.
If the CMD is listed as tcsh or csh, edit the .cshrc file. If the CMD is listed
as bash, edit the .bashrc file.
.cshrc example:
setenv EPIC /opt/passcal
setenv PASSOFT ${EPIC}
source ${EPIC}/setup/setup.csh
.bashrc example:
export EPIC=/opt/passcal
export PASSOFT=${EPIC}
source ${EPIC}/setup/setup.sh
Be sure to logout and log back in!
Do some simple tests:
% which picpython
This should return:
% lopt
This should display a simple digital clock.
Regards, Steve Azevedo
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