Transportable Array
The Transportable Array (TA) is a gridwork of broadband seismic instruments that are being installed across the continental United States (see a map of TA stations that have been installed to date). They are laid out in a rectangular array with approximately 75 kilometer spacing between stations stretching from Canada to Mexico and from the Pacific Ocean eastward. Three-component, 40 samples-per-second data is broadcast to the internet by each active station. The Array Network Facility (ANF) at UCSD in San Diego receives the data from the TA seismic stations in near realtime and reports on the Array's realtime state of health. The ANF then transmits data to the EarthScope Data Management Center for archiving as part of the USArray Transportable Array (EarthScope) network. The EPIC houses the Transportable Array Coordinating Office (TACO) and the Earthscope USArray Array Operation Facility (AOF). The TACO coordinates all siting, permitting, and construction of TA stations. The AOF houses, tests, and constructs much of the equipment used in TA stations. The AOF also coordinates the logistics of shipping seismic equipment to all regions of the United States.
Related Links and Documents
- Home
- General Information
- Instrumentation
- Dataloggers
- Sensors
- All-In-One Systems
- Power Systems
- Field Procedures
- Controlled Sources
- Seismic Source Facility
- Magnetotelluric Systems at EPIC
- Ground Penetrating Radar
- Power and Memory Calculations Form
- Data Archiving
- Apply for a PI Account
- Experiment Scheduling
- Polar
- Hardware & Software Notes
- Software