Here are some of the articles that have been recently posted to the PASSCAL website:


PICASSO - Program to Investigate Convective Alboran Sea System Overturn

"PICASSO  consists of a multidisciplinary international investigation of the Alboran Sea, Gibraltar arc, Atlas Mountains and surrounding areas in the western Mediterranean using passive and active seismology, magnetotellurics, geochemistry/petrology/structural geology, and geodynamic modeling. The project was selected as the pilot experiment for TopoEurope, an EarthScope-like initiative recently approved by the European Science Foundation. The U.S. PICASSO investigators are from Rice (Lee, Levander), the University of Oregon (Humphreys), U.C. San Diego (Seber), WHOI (Chave, Evans), and the University of Southern California (Becker, Platt)". (From Original Proposal)

PQL II - Program for Viewing Data

April 21, 2009


PQL II is a program for viewing time-series data in any of four formats: MSEED, SEGY,  SAC, or AH (though, to be honest, EPIC staff has not used the AH option). It is the second generation PQL, hence the name PQL II. Both generations of code were written by Richard Boaz and EPIC staff supports the code on MAC OS X, LINUX, and Solaris platforms.To install PQL II on your system, you need to go the EPIC download page, or directly to PQL II download on EPIC's FTP area.

The HELP menus for PQL II are actually helpful. Use them a lot till you get to know the program.

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Training at EPIC

In addition to loaning and maintaining devices from the instrument pool, and providing vital assistance to PIs in the field, EPIC also trains PIs and their colleagues at our facility in Socorro, New Mexico.  These training sessions can be intense, and typically last three days. The instruction is focused on the specific technical areas requested by PIs (such as data archival methods, or mastering the intricacies of specific sensors).

Training is important for both novice and well-seasoned PIs.  It provides hands-on interaction with the many types of instrumentation, software, and data handling that EPIC supplies, as well as the opportunity to ask questions that normally wouldn't come up until the PI is deploying equipment in the field.  Training at EPIC provides PIs with the opportunity to have their questions answered immediately by our on-site knowledgeable staff.

Related categories:

Western Idaho Shear Zone: is snow in the forecast?

FlexArray Experiment: Western Idaho Shear Zone

If this photo (below) of a 6' 1" tall individual looking up at the top of the solar panel mast doesn't cause one to wonder how much snow the mountains near Cornucopia, Oregon receive, a Snow Cat (below left) at a nearby lodge certain makes it's clear - lots of it. This temporary seismic station installed in the mountains of eastern Oregon is part of Dr. Ray Russo's Western Idaho Shear Zone Earthscope Flexible Array experiment. Spanning eastern Oregon to eastern Idaho, the seismic network covers arguably some of the most remote and rugged mountains of the contiguous United States.

GPS Rollover: Potential Data Logger Performance & Timing Issue

Late 2018 EPIC learned of a GPS week rollover event that can affect data logger performance and timing. EPIC has acquired a GNSS signal generator that can emulate GPS satellite signals. This satellite emulator allows us to test EPIC equipment that relies on GPS timing and to determine how equipment will handle the GPS rollover event. To date, we have determined that some models of GPS engines are affected by the rollover. How the rollover errors manifest is dependent on the data logger’s model and firmware version of the GPS engine.

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Seismic Instrumentation Technology Symposium coming to Albuquerque on June 10-11, 2013

The next Seismic Instrumentation Technology Symposium (ITS2013) will be held in Albuquerque, NM on June 10th and 11th, 2013, at the Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel.

The EarthScope website has a page for the conference, with the agenda, participants, and registration form.

The theme of this symposium is to examine future technology, both from the perspective of capabilities scientists and engineers are seeking and the technologies that are, or will be, in the product pipeline of the seismic technology industry. The symposium will provide a forum for perspectives from both technology users and vendors and allow generous time for discussion and interaction.

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New Mexico Tech to Expand EPIC

Daniel H. López, president of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech) in Socorro, authorized the expansion of the on-campus building that houses the EarthScope EPIC and the EarthScope Array Operations Facility. The 1300 square foot addition, scheduled for completion in Spring 2009, will primarily provide laboratory and office space for EPIC’s recently expanded Polar Program activities supported primarily by the National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs.

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Programming a Q330 with Willard

Willard is Quanterra's program to program and control Q330's. It is a standalone Windows program which allows you to set parameters, monitor data acquisition, storage, gps power cycling, sensor control, and much more. It is a very powerful and complex program which does not lend itself to a brief 'walkthrough' via a webpage.

Due to its complexity and ability to control every aspect of a Q330, it is very easy to make a severe mistake which would make the Q330 not function as intended. We highly recommend that only experienced users of Willard program Q330 parameters. You should contact a EPIC staff member if you have any questions regarding using Willard to program a Q330.

During training at EPIC, users receive a walkthrough of Willard.


Updating Firmware For Q330's

Upgrading Q330 firmware is done with the program Willard.


Setup: Download the required firmware from Place the firmware into a folder with the name of the firmware (in this example the folder name would be "1.80"). Note: This is important because all Q330 firmware files are named identically. To keep them separated, they must be stored in separate folders.



Power up the Q330 and connect it to computer via console cable.

Start Willard and select console registration.


Select "No" if asked to create a dataless station.