How To

Data Downloading & Backups from RT130's

RT130 data is downloaded from the CF cards to .zip files using the NEO program.  The NEO program is included in the PASSOFT software package and can be started from the command line or from the NEO button on EPIC field computers. After the data is downloaded it should be reviewed to make sure that it is complete and two backup copies should be made.

Restoring a Clie


Related categories:

Loading Programs From a Clie To RT130's

This page is meant as a quick reference guide for using the Clié program "PFC-130" to load configuration parameters to a RT130. When deploying RT130's in the field, you will be provided an installation worksheet which covers the same steps but with more detail specific to your experiment.

Basic Guide for Loading Parameters to a RT130 from a Clié

1. Open PFC-130, on the Clié

2. Select Work with Configuration

3. Load (Load Configuration Pre-Written or Loaded Config File)

4. Select OK

5. Verify Configuration Name top of screen

6. Send to DAS

7. Select OK

8. Select Done

9. Re-Enter Work with Configuration

10. Select from DAS (Load from DAS)

11. Edit

12. Confirm Experiment Name

Working with Responses to Get Units of Ground Motion

Necessary information:

Sensor: sensitivity and passband (velocity transducer) or scaling (accelerometer)

For information on sensor sensitivity and passband, see the Sensor Comparison Chart along with the Sensor Response Plot.

Datalogger: Analog-to-Digital (A/D) conversion factor (aka bit weight) and Gain 

Quanterra model Q330: 419,430 counts/volt, or 2.384 uV/count at a Gain of 1 RefTek model RT130: 629,327 counts/volt, or 1.58997 uV/count at a Gain of 1


Example: Counts to Ground Velocity Conversion within the Passband


Computer Best Practices

Hard drives and disk space Drives and partitions

EarthScope EPIC prepared laptops all come with a separate partition for user and experiment data that can be accessed at /data

EPIC linux laptops (PCs) come with two hard drives.  On each drive is a complete, tested installation of Fedora linux and a current version of PASSOFT. Each drive is bootable and provides a redundant system. On each drive space is allocated for data and is RAIDed together as the /data directory accessible from either installation.

If you are having a problem and want to try using the backup installation, start tapping the Escape key after the BIOS has finished loading in order to see the GRUB menu.  Then select one of the installations of Fedora to boot into it.  If you saved your data in /data, you will still have access when booted from the backup installation.

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